Sh2-115 and Abell 71
Object | Sh2-115; Sh2-116; Abell 71 |
Description | A chaotic, but visually dynamic patch of the night sky in Cygnus. This is panel 45 out of 66 in a bigger mosaic project I started in 2018. I think this panel stands well on it's own, and has convinced me that shooting SII might really be worth it for the whole project. Ha and SII from Somerville (Bortle 9); OIII from Oakham (Bortle 5). |
Rights Statement | This image is licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). If you use this image elsewhere, you must provide an attribution (credit line) like this: Sh2-115 and Abell 71 by Nico Carver is licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 Licesnse. |
Acquisition Dates | August 1, 2020; September 5, 2020; September 20, 2020 |
Date Published | 2020-10-1 |
Locations | Narrowband was shot in Somerville, MA (SQM reading at zenith = 18.0 mpsas). Broadband was shot at the Aldrich Observatory Field in Oakham, MA. (SQM reading at zenith = 20.8 mpsas) |
Optics | Stellarvue SVQ86 |
Mount | Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro |
Camera | ZWO ASI-1600 MM-Cool (v3) |
Filters | Astrodon Ha (5nm), OIII (3nm), SII (3nm) |
Guiding | ZWO ASI290MM Mini and Astromania 60mm guidescope |
Gain | 200 |
Cooling | -15C |
Integration | Total: 6.2 hours; Ha: 26x300"; OIII: 24x300"; SII: 24x300" |
Software | Mount Control: EQMOD; Planetarium: Cartes Du Ciel; Acuisition: Sequence Generator Pro; Guiding: PHD2; Platesolving: Pinpoint Polar Alignment: QHY Polemaster; Processing: PixInsight 1.8.6, StarNet++, and Photoshop CS6 |
RA/DEC Center | 308.305, 47.010 |
Orientation (E of N) | 249 degrees |
Links | Astrobin; WorldWideTelescope |