Review Policy
I will never do a paid review. When it comes to product reviews, I am an independent third-party. Note: I may do a paid promotion for a company (also known as: an advertisement). Any paid promotion will be clearly marked as such so that it won’t be confused for a review.
- I will accept loans or gifts of products from companies for review on this website and/or my YouTube channel. Accepting a loaner or gift for review is contingent on it being “no strings attached,” meaning I will not allow a company to dictate what I say in a review. I also will not allow a company to see my review before I publish it.
- I will disclose how I received all products that I review. This includes gifts, loans, rentals, and purchases. I will also disclose any affiliate links/marketing arrangements I have with companies.
I reserve the right to update this policy at any time.
Update Log: 10/14/2020 – Published version 1.0