Deep Sky Astrophotography - Choosing an Object and Planning

I gave a presentation to my astronomy club on this same topic. If you are intersted in reviewing it, you can download the slides [PDF]

My collection of the most useful DSO catalogs with some information on their authors, type, and scope. Download: Useful Deep-Sky Catalogs [PDF]
These are, in my opinion, 12 of the the best objects for any setup in the N. Hemisphere, but especially DSLR shooters. Download:12 Bright, Large DSOs [PDF]

Here is the file I used to print my transparency for the sky atlas. It should give you an idea of how to make your own in Photoshop. If you have any questions about it, contact me. Download: Transparency overlay [psd]
Web Tools for Browsing Objects and Framing
Online Catalogs of Deep-Sky Objects
- Messier (M)
- Sharpless (Sh2)
- Green’s SNR (G)
- Arp's peculiar galaxies (Arp)
- van den Bergh reflection nebulae (vdB)
- Lynd's Bright Nebulae (LBN)
- Lynd's Dark Nebulae (LDN)
Recommended Atlas
- The Astrophotography Sky Atlas by Charles Bracken
Free Software for planning
Astrophotographer's websites