Object | NGC6888, PN G75.5+1.7, Crescent Nebula, Soap Bubble Nebula |
Description | The Crescent Nebula is a complex emission nebula in Cygnus formed by the collision of stellar winds from a wolf-rayet star. The Soap Bubble Nebula is a fainter planetary nebula discovered by amatuer Dave Jurasevich in 2007. |
Rights Statement | This image is licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). If you use this image elsewhere, you must provide an attribution (credit line) like this: NGC6888 by Nico Carver is licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 Licesnse. |
Acquisition Dates | 07/09/17; 07/16/17 |
Locations | Backyard, Newark, DE |
Optics | Vernonscope "Brandon" 94mm (property of Delaware Astronomical Society) |
Mount | Orion Atlas EQ-G |
Camera | ZWO ASI-1600 MM-Cool (v3) |
Filters | Astrodon Ha (5nm), OIII (3nm) |
Guiding | QHY 5Lii Mono and Orion 50mm guidescope |
Gain | 200 |
Cooling | -15C |
Integration | Total: 3.2 hours; Ha: 18x300"; OIII: 21x300" |
Software | Mount Control: EQMOD; Planetarium: Cartes Du Ciel; Acuisition: Sequence Generator Pro; Guiding: PHD2; Polar Alignment: QHY Polemaster; Processing: PixInsight 1.8.5 and Photoshop CS6 |
RA/DEC Center | 303.217, 38.404 |
Orientation (E of N) | 79.4 degrees |
Links | Astrobin; WorldWideTelescope |