IC2177 (2017)
Object | IC2177, NGC2323, M50, Sh2-292, Sh2-296, NGC2343, NGC2327, NGC2335, GUM1, LBN1027, LDN1657, "Parrot Nebula", "Seagull Nebula" |
Description | The Seagull Nebula is a large HII emission nebula in Monoceros. It was captured here with a telephoto lens at a focal length of 200mm. The framing includes the entire nebula as well as open star cluster NGC2323 on the left-hand side of the photo. It was captured with a cooled, mono camera, and the following filters: H-alpha, Red, Green, Blue. |
Rights Statement | This image is licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). If you use this image elsewhere, you must provide an attribution (credit line) like this: IC2177 (2017) by Nico Carver is licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 Licesnse. |
Acquisition Dates | 12/10/2017; 12/12/2017 |
Locations | Backyard, Newark, DE |
Optics | Canon 200mm f/2.8 II USM |
Mount | Orion Atlas EQ-G |
Camera | ZWO ASI-1600 MM-Cool (v3) |
Filters | Astrodon Ha (5nm), RGB (e series) |
Guiding | ZWO ASI290MM Mini and Astromania 60mm guidescope |
Gain | 200 |
Cooling | -15C |
Integration | Total: 3.2 hours; Ha: 30x300"; R:30x30"; G:30x30"; B:30x30" |
Software | Mount Control: EQMOD; Planetarium: Cartes Du Ciel; Acuisition: Sequence Generator Pro; Guiding: PHD2; Polar Alignment: QHY Polemaster; Processing: PixInsight 1.8.5 and Photoshop CS6 |
RA/DEC Center | 106.545, -10.413 |
Orientation (E of N) | 97.5 degrees |
Links | Astrobin; WorldWideTelescope |
Other Versions | 2019 |